Eric Hoek, talking on how exlibris started

Hi, my name is Eric and this is how exlibris started. By the early 90’s I had been involved with a string of books for commercial publishers before the first private author came along. As a bit of a promotion, a media contact at the local paper ran a half-page article after successfully completing his short-run book. It explained to the readers the virtues of self-publishing and how my business (then known as Bookbound) could help make that a reality for new authors. The phone hasn’t stopped ringing since.

My son joined the business years later as a book designer. My daughter came on board some time later as my PA.

Of course no one can be good at everything, so when enquiries for editing, proof reading, and marketing started coming in, we extended the family business to include trusted partners with proven skills in these areas.

In the same way, we deal with a number of specialist print houses around Australia and overseas. These partners have printed many of the books we’ve designed for our authors over the years.

exlibris offers the convenience of a one-stop-shop, where our goal is to take the stress out of publishing your book. When you work with us you will have all the best people in one place to help turn your manuscript into a quality book. Our passion for the perfection of the published word is our guarantee to you.

From our humble beginnings exlibris now produce upwards of 50 books a year. Self publishers, commercial publishers, business and thought leaders, and government departments number among our satisfied clientele. We’d love to add you to our long list of satisfied authors. Take a look at what we can do for you and contact us today so we can have a friendly chat about your project.

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